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paid holiday中文是什么意思

用"paid holiday"造句"paid holiday"怎么读"paid holiday" in a sentence


  • 带薪假期


  • According to your contract , you get 15 days ' paid holiday a year
  • The company provided the workers with free lunch in addition to paid holidays
  • After working for six months on end , employees are entitled to paid holidays and sick leaves
  • The negotiations struck a snag when the union leaders asked for paid holidays in addition to the usual wage increase
  • 70 he works on straight commission . he gets no paid holidays , vacations or raises . yes , some months are lean
  • Some companies give 22 such days , on top of normal paid holiday ; vast stocks of these have built up over the years
  • Companies usually offer their staff between 10 and 20 days of paid holiday each year after you have completed one year of full - time employment
  • The importance people attach to paid holidays and the rapid development of service for mass entertainment and recreation are signs of this increase concern
  • The survey found 73 . 2 percent of people believe that paid holidays cannot be guaranteed in the future and public holidays are the only way to ensure long vacations
    调查发现, 73 . 2 %的人认为他们今后的带薪假期没有保证,公共假日是唯一有保证的长假。
  • Everyone needs a holiday . in almost every country , companies are required by law to give their staff paid holidays each year in addition to the normal public holidays
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"paid holiday"造句  
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